
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2020

Simple electric motor solar energy powered. The story

  Once I have done with bulbs from the house and with the fidget spinners article, on an working day at the office I saw on the desk my office calculator.  This model have a tiny small solar panel, not anymore 😅 because you know I take it off. What you can do with it ? This was the question. I've connected a small led to it nothing. Let's measure the values :    So this is the reason why that led do nothing only 67 milliwatts available   There must be something . I know flip flap toys are working in the light with this tiny solar panel.  Simple. I just went to a store, find the toy and bought it. The next day  The next day I took it to the office and placed her on the desk. Depending the light, sometimes working sometimes not. What is this, a joke ? A small screwdriver needed ! 😅 A small air core, a small magnet and an electronic circuit where are my money ? 😅😅😅😅 I wish to see that mini solar panel is working constantly. A large coil and a neodym...

Fidget spinner electric motor

Spinning the fidget spinner, I wonder, now that I've done with the the bulbs (  Fidget spinner and the bulb  and  small generator and the bulbs  ) what else I can do with the fidget spinner ? What about an electric motor ? It is possible ? It will work ?  What do I know ?  The reedswitch motor is the simplest electric motor.  A reed switch consists of two magnetic contacts in a glass tube filled with protective gas.  Reed switches are very reliable and last as long as 3 billion operations if used properly. They are designed for low currents. High voltages applied to the contacts may cause a spark, which may weld the contacts together. Lets get to work :  3 neo magnets, a reed switch, a fidget spinner with iron insertions, glue, mini solar panels, a coil without core and a step up booster Adding a step up booster and increasing voltage :  It sounds like an air plane 😅 not bad This is it ? No let's transform it in a motor generator : Due ...

The story of the fidget spinner generator

  Fidget spinners became trending toys in  2017. I bought  one, I look at it I've spin it. Than I read an article "  How many fidget spinners can power a light bulb? " , you can still find the article here :  The article   . They said " as spinning 54,000 simultaneously could power an LED bulb for an hour ".  It looks like I have a problem with the bulbs, again 😅. If it wasn't so hard with the small generator ( you can read the story here : Small generators story ) to light a domestic bulb I will probably have a small chance with the fidget spinner. So, lets get to work !  What do we know ?  Moving a magnet inside or near a coil of wire, pushes the electrons in the wire and creates an electrical current. First lets try to light a small led (case 1 ) , to see how it works, I will think about the domestic led bulb later ( case 2 ). The model is simple in this first case , all we need are neodymium magnet discs (3 peace), a fidget spinner with ...

Small generator's story. Small electric generator using a single permanent magnet.

Small generator story. A story with bulbs and magnets. In a Sunday morning, thinking how I could light a domestic bulb (AC), like those that I use in the house, using a small electric generator (a DIY electric generator), powered with a small battery (DC), I started searching on YouTube, because, you know there you can find almost everything. Why not how to make this kind of electric generator? I typed the suitable words in You Tube search and surprise: instead help or inspiration tones and tones of content with scam movies like free energy devices, magic magnets and bulbs, you don't want to know .... I don't understand why You Tube don’t delete that content because it is against their policy. Anyway, It happens to have some knowledges in this fields other wise probably I have started to build one of those magic generators (or several) investing time and money in a scams with You Tube help. What do I know? Moving a magnet inside or near a coil of wire, pushes the electrons into...