The story of the fidget spinner generator
Fidget spinners became trending toys in 2017. I bought one, I look at it I've spin it. Than I read an article " How many fidget spinners can power a light bulb? " , you can still find the article here : The article . They said "as spinning 54,000 simultaneously could power an LED bulb for an hour ". It looks like I have a problem with the bulbs, again 😅. If it wasn't so hard with the small generator ( you can read the story here : Small generators story) to light a domestic bulb I will probably have a small chance with the fidget spinner.
So, lets get to work !
What do we know ?
Moving a magnet inside or near a coil of wire, pushes the electrons in the wire and creates an electrical current.
First lets try to light a small led (case 1 ) , to see how it works, I will think about the domestic led bulb later ( case 2 ).
The model is simple in this first case , all we need are neodymium magnet discs (3 peace), a fidget spinner with iron insertions, a coil with thin wire and many turns and a led.
Why is possible ? Energy is transferred from one state to another. The rotor is rotated ( the fidget spinner ) and this mechanical rotation is converted to electrical energy in the stator (the coil ) resulting AC ( alternating current )
For a moment I said, apparently there is no way to light a domestic led with a single fidget spinner, but what if I barrow the setups from the small generator?
It will works ....hmmm
Now case 2
VIDEO : 9 W domestic bulb and fidget spinner generator :
It works !
Author : S.T. Bucharest Romania
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